
We had a Cuernavacation, aka, we had a meeting with the newbies and President so that meant we left Thursday night, stayed the night, and came home Friday night, hence, Cuernavacation. The scale in the ofice says i lost 10 pounds? Excuse me? The mirror tells me i gained 20. Okkkayyyy. Aint mad about it though.

Anyway, it was super good. I  love having meetings with President Kusch because I always learn something new and how to be better. Im SO grateful to be a trainer, even though it is way rough sometimes. Ive really learned the meaning of “Comfort those that stand in need of comfort, Cry with those that need to cry.” But I know that everything happens for a reason. Im here with her for a reason and shes here for a reason. Iguala is gonna be super poppin after were done here!

We had 7 people come to church on Sunday! SEVEN! That is the most I have ever seen in  my mission. It was super awesome and and SOO excited for every one of them. They all have fechas to be baptized in the coming weeks. One this weekend! Yay! Lets pray everything goes okay and there are no last minute glitches.

Im not going to write a whole lot because I had a TON of pictures. Some are for Tommys birthday, but you can all accept the message it has:) But. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for your support and Im SO entirely grateful for everything that I have in this life. Never give up hope in life or dwell on things that arent important. Always keep moving foward and always trust in the Lord.

Okay. Remember how i said i was going to send pictures. Just kidding because my memory got a virus and i cant send pictures. Thanks Mexico! Better luck. Next week?

Food for Thought:

Liken the scriptures to yourself. What does it mean to liken? APPLY. What prophet is like you in the Book of Mormon? Who can you relate to most? I challenge you to think about this. Then think about another person you know. Who are they like? How can you help that person in their life by using the Book of Mormon? Pretty Rad, eh?

For me, its hands down Alma the Younger. Anyone that knows me, knows why. But really I love his example of no matter what we do in this life, we can repent and come unto to Christ. Then, more than anything, help OTHERS to come unto Christ as well through our experiences. He was one of the best missionaries in the Book of Mormon and I hope that I can be HALF the missionary as him.

Love you all lots and have a great week! IMG_2344 IMG_2346 IMG_2347

message for tommy’s birthday

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Well Chihuahuas are STILL Feos.

I only made it 4 days agin with the hair. WAY too greasy to leave another day. Im hoping for better luck this week.

Another week in the field. Nothing too crazy happened to be honest. We see alot of little miracles everyday and met alot of new people. We have a better teaching pool so that is good. We met this really cool family that Im hoping will get baptized in the next couple of weeks. They are part members and I think the dad is actually super serious about coming back to church. Just need to GO TO THE CHURCH! Its literally 2 blocks away and people dont go. ay ay ay.

Our lady that is getting baptized in 2 weeks never ceases to amaze me. When we asked if she had any questions about the word of wisdom she said no, but what time is my baptism and who is baptizing me. Talk about being prepared!!!!

We had splits with the Sis Training Leaders this week and I was with Hermana Sappenfield. She is from utah and went to BYU. We then found out that we had the same friends!!!! We probably met before the mission and just didnt know it! She is super cool and I was so grateful to spend a couple hours with her. She really knows how to teach the gospel in an effective yet normal way. Cant wait to hang with her after the mission! Also did i tell you Hermana Junca got typhoid fever? Whaattttt. I didnt even know that was possible. But she beasted through it and is better now.

Well i just want to share this Mormon Message with you. Its not New Years but it has a good message. Everyday is a new day. Everyday is a new year because its the start to the rest of your life. Dont look back. The past is the past and you cant change it. But you can always learn from it. Dont dwell on your past. But KEEP MOVING FORWARD. I need to work on this alot. I always think Oh why did i do this, or why did i say that. But really, we learn everyday from our mistakes and we dont need to dwell on them. I hope you all can learn something from this little message and learn to love you life and live it to its fullest everyday!

Keep Moving Forward!

I love you all! Thanks for all you do! Have a great week and work miracles!

1.Pretty Pretty Pretty

2. Car splashed me. Thanks.

3. I think im going to like it here, Tacos de Pastor and a Coca at 9 o clock at night from the members!IMG_2314 IMG_2317 IMG_2319

This week my goal is to go one week without…..

So the water is yellow here and my hair is falling out. So i have decided to just stop washing it. I made it 4 days last week. Think I can go 7? Wish me luck!

This week was really good. Nothing too cray or awesome happened but it was an all around good week. I keep learning this patience thing and to not get mad at people easily. Why didnt anyone tell me im stubborn before? I realized, after my comp told me, its my way or the highway. oooops:) I like to just describe myself as sour but sweet, like a sour patch kid. But I should really start to be more sweet. Really. It makes things a WHOLE lot easier if you love people with your WHOLE heart Not that I ever yell at anyone or anything, but I def. think mean thoughts. Cada dia, poco poco! I really do love people more than I used to. Its insane how the mission really changes your outlook on life. Yayyy patience!!!

So i had a cool experience. Dad. Dont kill me. It was a learning experience for both me and Herm. Espinoza. She still is learning how to contact and I tell her, never postone a prompting. If you feel like you should give someone a Book of Mormon, do it! Dont wait for me to do it first. We were walking in this colonia and we saw this man sitting under a tree. He had a bunch of tattoos and looked pretty rough but was really nice. We said Buenas Tardes and went our way but I was like no, we need to go talk to him. Ive learned from other experiences not to postpone these promptings and to talk to people when I feel like we should. We went back and talked to him and he has the coolest story. Long story short, he lived in California for 18 years but was in a gang and went to jail, but while in jail he found God and has such a strong testimony and is trying to live a better life here with his family. We invited him to church and gave him a folleto but didnt put a cita para regresar. I dont know if i was intimidated by the fact he went to jail and was in a gang, or what, but i didnt do it. That night we were talking about him and we both felt really bad we didnt put a cita to return. I was hoping and praying that we would see him again. The next day we were in the church teaching a lesson when the other sisters had a baptism and their investagator looked just like Pablo and had almost the same story! Hermana Espinoza and I were so sad we didnt talk to Pablo more because this could be him!

Yesterday we were walking and we felt like we shouldnt go to the cita that we had. We were walking looking for someone else and guess who pulls us on his motorcycle and yells Hermanas! Pablo! We put a cita para regresar. This just showed me that we should always follow the spirit and always always always give people chances, you never know who is ready for the gospel. Even convicts.

Tomorrow I hit 6 months in the mission. WHAT! I left yesterday! Time flies. In one year I will be home. But i dont like to think like that. I have ALOT of work to do here. ALOT to learn and grow ( alot of weight to lose) but honestly im so grateful to be here in Mexico. We went to lunch with Hermana Junca and Sappenfield today and they are seriously so cool. They both went to BYU and are older as well. 23 and 22. Yayyy go us. When I asked Junca if she ever thought about a mission before she said FREAK NO. FREAK NO. Did i EVER think i would go. NO. I made FUN of people that went on missions because those are only for people who dont get married…. Sound familiar? But she is seriously such a great missionary now. This showed me that we are all here for a reason and we are here to grow and learn everyday. I NEVER in a MILLION YEARS thought I would be here, following all these rules, wearing the clothes I do, using toilets without seats, showering in cold showers, geckos as unwanted pets, as well as cockroachs, but do I regret it? Not one bit. I love it. YOSO- You only serve once. No regrets.

Food for thought:

A follow up on my obedience thought from last week. D and C 130: 19 about the relationship between dilligence, obedience, knowledge, and intelligence. I love this scripture and we actually shared it with a member this week. I think the relationship is that we are here to gain knowledge and intelligence because this knowledge and intelligence will go with us in the next life as well. Any talent or intelligence or knowledge we gain here, will be lifted with us in the resurrection. But, in order to have these knowledges or talents we need to be dilligent. For example, if we want to be an expert piano player, we need to practice everyday. If we stop practicing, we lose this knowledge of how to play ( guilty of this!) This is where obedience comes in. If we are truly dilligent, we are being obedient. We cant have one without the other. When we are obedient, we have the faith to be dilligent. If we are dilligent, we have “the ganas” to be obedient. I love this concept and how everyday we are here to learn and grow and love a little more, ourselves and others. We can do it! We just need to work a little harder everyday! Read this 130: 18- 23. Its great!

Love you all! You all are so awesome and beautiful. Always find a way to serve one another and keep on keeping on! Cuídense!

Hermana Corri

Mi casa

What we found in our area book. LOL. Elders.

Our little friend. Maybe this house isnt better than in Illinois….

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