“Y tu compañero?????”

This week was the bomb.com.

We took a Cuernavation because we had some meetings there with the arrival of the new President. So that was a nice little get away. We had fun with the sisters and found a lot of families to teach. Yay!

We met the Avilas. I love them already! Pres. is SO COOL! He is just a cool guy with a STRONG testimony. Hermana Avila is SUCH A MOM! LOVE HER! SO SO SO NICE!  i had SUPER bad cramps and diarea at the conference and pres. and hermana avila noticed and were so concerned. Then that night, she texted to see if i was okay. LIterally. SHE IS THE BEST! Im so exicted to see how the mission changes with them.

And can we talk about their son? He is THE CUTEST! He has downs syndrome and he always wanted to be a missionary. BUT. He obvi couldnt go. When his first brother went, he said, and me? his second, again, and me? But NOW. He is serving a mission:) Such a special pure spirit and he brings something different to the mission.

We got POURED ON RAIN. Like bad on Thursday. and i felt COLD for the first time in a LONG LONG time. It was weird. Im gonna die when i go back to Utah.

We celebrated the 4th with wearing red and blue and baptizing TAURINO! But….in dirty water. It came out brown. Literally. So. Gotta love Mexico. haha. But. He said. Its okay, Jesus got baptized in the river, and it was dirty.

He is the literal best.

Ana and Nestor aer SO cool. and they are taking us to Taxco today. So we are happy:) We love them. Shout out.

Amada and Francisco are progressing SO MUCH! They totes wanna get baptized and they passed the pre interview questions. Their date is for the 17th. We are so so so excited because at first they didnt want ANYTHING to do with us but now they love us and are totally in it to win it. They KNOW the BOM is true and they KNOW this is the only true church. SO COOL how the spirit of the BOM works inside of people. They started reading it, and found it was true. SIMPLE AS THAT!

So one bad thing this week. Rememer Max and his dad? Ya that problem we have had sense FEBRUARY! Well WE finally talked to his dad because he woudlnt and omg i literally wanted to punch him. Now i know why Max never wanted to talk to him. He is the literal worst and i dont feel bad saying it. Max is only 17 and needs permisson to be baptized. And his dad wont let him. He says that max is a bad rebelious kid blah blah blah. He is just in love with his girlfriend ( shes a member and how we got to know him) blah blah blah. So we bore really powerful testimonies. Everyone was crying, except his dad. I said, ” If there is one thing i regret in life, its never even once inviting my boyfriend i had in high school to church. I never talked of religion with him seriously. I was too scared to do it. Now, his life is a lot worse off then it could of been if he would have known the gospel. Karina had A LOT of courage to talk to Max about chruch and invite him.”

Then he started BASHING Karina. AND Durham stepped in and said. DONT TALK ABOUT HER. It was super powerful. and he seriosouly just felt SO BAD for Max. He told his dad, ” I WANT THIS. NOT BECAUSE OF KARINA. BUT BECAUSE I KNOW ITS TRUE! YOU DONT EVEN KNOW ME!” OMg literally typing it im crying. We finally at the end bore MORE testimonies and his dad just gave us the most digusting look and said, ” I dont care. Hes not getting baptized until he turns 18″

SO we settled at that. We wont be here but Max told us he would send us pictures. After his dad left he said, ” Are you okay” Cuz we were balling. And we just said, ” Its just because we love you Max.” But he will totally get baptized. We love him. He is the best. And I told his dad, ” I dont care but whatever you do, you BETTER support your son in his decision and be at his baptism.” UGH. Some people are just very……special people. But. We have to love them right? How hard it must be for God to see so many of his children SO FAR OFF THE WAY. I have really come to feel so much respect and gratitude for my father in heaven. and also my brother Jesus Christ. They love unconditionally. ALWAYS. How blessed are we?

So on a better note we met the COOLEST hermana ever. Hermano Torres is our favorite. He is like 76 years old and uses a cane but he is the CUTEST OLD MAN EVER! and we visited him last week for the first time and he told us he wanted us to meet his wife. She doesnt go to our ward because she doesnt like it for some problems she had with other members. Well. SHES THE BEST! She was telling us aobut her daughter and how her daughter always tells her of her accomplishments and Susana just always says, ” Y tu compañero??” ( And you husband?) Literally the funniest thing of my life. She is THE BEST. We felt so good being around them. Sure was a blessing after the Max situation. Literally the Torres’ just BEAM happiness and spirit. Just being around them makes you smile. THATS THE GOAL IN LIFE PEOPLE! TO LIVE THE GOSPEL; AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY! They have SOOOOOO many cool stories. I will briefly tell of a few.

Susana had a revelation that she would marry Eliasar.

She also had a lot of revelations about the church. SHe found herself at the church one day, just so happend it was the day her brother was called as bishop! Hahah. met with the missionaries and from there, wanted to be baptized. Her husband was on a work trip and she came back and told him. He read the BOM in ONE DAY and said, me too. They then told her mom cuz she was sups Catholic and didnt even have a lesson and knew it was church what they were saying. THEY ALL 3 GOT BAPTIZED! THEN! Like the rest of their family got bapitzed and they are super faithful in the church still.


The first day Hermano Torres was branch president. They were caught in some bad traffic and there was some fighting. A man came to assault them and all of the sudden two, big, white men, with chains, dressed in white, came and said, ” What do you want with them? Leave.” 2 Nephites anyone?

SOO COOL! Why? Because they were living the gospel. The gospel brings SO MANY BLESSINGS! Just live it! I love it!

Well. Thats about it and i gotta go cuz we are leaving to Taxco. Love you lots! Happy July!


-Pres, Sister, and Samuel Avila

-Durham and Sturt

-Cienfuegos. The worst. IMG_1627 IMG_1646 IMG_1648 IMG_1612 IMG_1616 IMG_1625

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