Wait, its June?

First off. Prayers for the family of L. Tom Perry. He was a great servant of the Lord and I know he is in a much better place now.

SO this week started off with the double dragon. If you dont know what that means, its probably a good thing. I think i just am going to be sick until August 3rd. So that was Tuesday. But Im me and I didnt want to miss working so we left to work after sleeping for about an hour after District Meeting ( only went to get a blessing) and then went out. Well we go to a lesson with Francisco and Amada, and they are cool, but Francisco is just so uptight with the Bible cuz he is super Christian, and they had these friends there. We were like, ” do you want us to come back another day?” Because we could tell that they were from some religious group. And they were like no its fine! So we go in and Durham tells them we are missionaries and what we do and stuff like that. She asks if they have a question of anything that we do and he says “yes actually. What fruit did Eve eat?”

I had word vomit and was like ” It literally doesnt matter.” and then he starts yelling yes it does matter blah blah blah. And i was like im so over this. im not saying anything. Luckily Durham was “bold” as Francisco later told us, and was telling him what we believe and that it literally doesnt matter what type of fruit she ate and all of that. So after we just talked to Amada and it was fine and the guy shut up. So that was annoying. Especially when i was still really sick.

Then we entered the taxi driver from Satan. We started casually talking to him then he was like old was Adam. and I said, ” Like 900 something.” and he started yelling at me and saying that we should learn the Bible before we start preaching. I had had about ENOUGH with these people. Sorry. But really. So i just interupted him and said, ” Sir. I testify that Christ lives. What we preach, is of him.” and just started testifying. Then he tried interupting me and i said “No, let me finish.” Then i said, “And now im done with this conversation.” He kept saying stuff and we were just like I literally am SO GLAD I KNOW THE TRUTH! ITS SO TRUE PEOPLE!!!!!! THE CHURCH IS SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes its hard to keep your cool when there are so many lets just say……special people in the world. But hey. Just testify and you did your part. Thats all you can do sometimes.

We had divisions with Temixco and we ate pancakes from a less active member. I was in heaven.

So then it RAINED SUPER HARD on Wednesay night and i loved it. But then i got a cold. ANd now i have like the whooping cough or something. I literally am dying.

So….Katya got married!!!! YAY!!! She can FINALLY GET BAPTIZED!!!! This Friday! YAY! Also another surprise, her sister in law that wasnt married either, got married as well! YAY!!!! Another baptism!!!! They are such awesome people and were just impided by that oneeeee detail that they werent married. We are SO excited. God is blessing us.

Our investigator Taurino, the old guy, is the literal best. So before us he was listening to the JWs and they cam back the other day. A member walked by and saw them and was like uhoh. Then we walked back a little later and Taurino just book up to the door his Book of Mormon and a pass along card of Jesus. The ultimate talk to the hand. hahaha. I LOVE HIM!

Fabian, the man with bipolar disease, has such a sweet spirit. We started to teach him and he was like ” SO i have been thinking, I need to get baptized.” It was so cute. haha. He is the best and he is totes gonna get baptized in a few weeks. We just feel such a great spirit from him. He only has this sickness for this time in the world. But he will have a perfect body one day. Such a great hope for him.

We had a good turn out at church. Hermana Garcia returned to the mission with her family so that was fun to see them. Thanks for the family Garcias! Its already all gone. oops. Life really is good. We love our lives. and each other. We are going to see a lot of miracles happen in these last 2 months!

Its amazing to see how people convert here. Lives are changing. The gospel is so TRUE! SO TRUE! Thats all i got to say. The church is so so so so so true! I love it! It makes SO much sense. The BOM is SO true! Its the word of God. It gives us hope, happiness, and more truth. Read it!!!! Pray about it!!!! and you will KNOW!

Love you all! Linda tarde!

My first Thrify adventure. I was speechless. SO yummy. Mint chocoalte chip for the win.

Our security system. Glass on the walls. IMG_1383 IMG_1385 IMG_1392 IMG_1384 IMG_1388 IMG_1391