Whoever said Missionary Work was Hard, Was CORRECTO!

Well another week in the field! This is the start of my 12th week and im almost done with training! Whatttttt! El tiempo se va volando!

This week was pretty good. I hit the red zone a couple times, but i think thats bound to happen. It was pretty humorous because when i started crying about my problems, Hermana Koegler started crying too and said she had the same problems! haha. WE ARE THE SAME PERSON! DONT LEAVE MEEEEEEE! We have cambios the end of this week! Tengo miedo!!!!

Elder Shumway called me the other day and it was pretty funny because ALL of our convos are in Spanish and he calls during personal study and says, How are You. Like really How ARE you. IN ENGLISH! It was so funny i just started laughing. But it was to see how i felt about TRAINING! Idk if i will cuz there are lots of sisters here but, quien sabe! Maybe! Also, i mean, he had to see how I handle things for the rest of our eternity together. lol.

We had a really good week with Martiza! She is SOOO ready for baptism. We read with her where she was reading in the BOM, and it happened to be in 1 Nefi 4, where he cuts off Labans head! I was like whattttttt when Kegz started reading it with her but Maritza totally applied it to herself so good and knew it was an act of fe and a commandment from God. Seriously its so awesome to see people change and progress! Ah! Lo mejor!

We had our conference with the President and His wife. It was super chido. I always want to be a better missionary after those. Theres always so much we can do! Everyday is a new day and a day to be better! But yeah, I love the Kuschs, they are so good at planching in a loving way haha. So blessed to have them as our presidents.

So this menos activo that isnt menos activo anymore came with us to some lessons the other night. He is seriously the cutest old man ive ever seen. WHEN WE ARRIVED AT HIS HOUSE HE WAS WEARING A DRUG RUG! OMG IT WAS SO CUTE! I couldnt even handle it. But it was a good experience for him and for us. Seeing menos activos come back is almost more exciting than new members!!

Last monday we had a very strange thing happen. Kegz, and 2 other hermanas we walking in centro and these high school aged kids come up to us and were like can you dance for us. What? Lol. WHY! and they were like its for school and we were like uhm, okay? But i think they were making fun of us because they were all laughing and one kid gave another girl 10 pesos! lol. So if you see a viral video on Youtibe and 4 white girls trying to dance to the song Happy, I hope youre happy to know you know someone famous.

So the day we hit the red zone everything was made good when we GOT PIZZA HUT!!!!! PIIIZZZAAAA!!!!! OMG I WAS IN HEAVEN! Seriously. the best day of the mission i think haha.

We taught another guy named Miguel, who is the brother of a menos activo. He was super interested in our message and this was on a Saturday. then Sunday he came to church! with his sister! WHAT A MIRACLE! Seriously this never happens! I think he is interested, but he could just think we are cute because that too seems to happen alot haha. But i have fe in him.

We taught a menos activo family who is part of a 1000 other members. Its basically Barrio Aguerro here. But anyway, they havent gone in 2 years. We had a really powerful lesson with them and she was like when you guys come i just feel the spirit and i need to go back to church! She said NO ONE has visited her in 2 years, not even the missionaries! That just shows you our ward for you, i wont say anything more about that. But really, people of the world reading my blog, if you are a member, DO YOUR PART! MISSIOANRY WORK IS FOR EVERYONE! it doesnt take much to visit someone for 10 minutes just to see how they are doing. Its just being FRIENDS or FAMILY! Okay im done planching now. But really im so excited for them to come back to church.

Food for thought:

Okay. So. In our studies this week we discovered something. Its kind of complicated so work with me. Christ was born of Mary- a mortal and of God- God. So he was able to do miraculous things on this earth through that power. When we are baptized we are reborn,spiritually reborn, like Christ was so in a sense, he becomes our Father. ENTONCES, we too are almost born of a mortal parents and of GOD. So thats why we have the ability too to do miraculou things through our faith and through the Spirit. Idk if that makes sense, but kind of ponder about that. Read John. It makes more sense.

Our mission president has asked all of us to read the BOM in 65 days! Because Joseph Smith translated it in 65 days! Thats 10 pages a day for the Spanish version. Starting from the title page to the last point in Moroni! I challegne all of yuo to do the same! Its less in english, and it goes by fast really! I know ive already learned so much and we just started yesterday! Also have a different color for the doctrines of christ- fe, repentence, baptism, holy ghost, and enduring to the end! Good luck:)

Well thats about all folks! Heres some photos! Love you all! Have a great week! Enjoy SUMMER!unnamed IMG_2001 IMG_1999 IMG_1996 IMG_1994

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